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The Minds Behind The Visionz Project

The Visionz Project was created by a father and son, both deeply concerned with how at-risk youth were expected to live and survive in the world without the critical life skills to help them succeed. Here's more on the project's founders:

The brainchild of entrepreneurs Chris Rivers, as well as Willie Rivers, retired Vice-President of a major financial services company, Visionz instruction is given in a safe, non-judgmental environment, ensuring that each student is free not only to learn new skills, but to flex what they've learned throughout the course. The financial education instruction will be integrated into the Work Force Preparation, Entrepreneurship and Social Media Marketing curriculums so that students fully understand how financial management is the cornerstone of economic well-being and self-sufficiency.

According to Willie Rivers, children in the past learned everything from socially acceptable behavior to financial skills by trailing their parents and observing their interactions in the community. However, the financial world today is much more complex than that of previous generations, thus today's knowledge-starved students are merely told to learn on their own using the Internet. Hardly engaging, or very effective.